“We had more than 1000 answers in one day using Survicate's NPS surveys. We redirected those who gave us 9 or 10 to leave a rating online. We went from 4.2 to 4.8 on Trustpilot.”
Robin Tussiot
CRM Manager at Kard
“We had more than 1000 answers in one day using Survicate's NPS surveys. We redirected those who gave us 9 or 10 to leave a rating online. We went from 4.2 to 4.8 on Trustpilot.”
“Survicate integration capabilities are great and that’s a big part of the appeal. And the platform itself is very innovative and it’s so easy to set up surveys.”
“The targeting aspect of product surveys, the number of question types to choose and customizable attributes make Survicate the best survey tool I've ever used.”
A Single Ease Question survey template is a Likert scale survey template user researchers usepost-task in usability sessions.Â
It measures the perceived difficulty of performing a task. And its goal is to help testers analyze user flows and draw actionable insights into user behavior.
What is a Single Ease Question survey template?
A Single Ease Question survey is a Likert scale survey user researchers trigger post-task in usability sessions. It measures the perceived difficulty of performing a task. And its goal is to help testers analyze user flows and draw actionable insights into user behavior.
Do I need the SEQ survey to gauge the level of difficulty of a task?
When performing moderated usability testing, you may be tempted to think you can do without an SEQ. You observe the users and measure the times of performing tasks in the end.Â
These are understandable doubts. Yet, even if you do measure time and observe, you still need the SEQ.Â
Single Ease Question metric is a subjective measure - it tells you what a subjective perception of a user is. Like all subjective metrics, SEQ is valid, necessary, and works best if combined with measurable data.Â
Take the example:Â
You're testing the usability of a fairly complex flow. A user seems to need more time than other test participants to complete a task. Yet, they rate the task's difficulty as 7 (very easy), leaving you surprised.
It is because our temperaments and personalities influence the way we perceive things. SEQ is a subjective metric, and its subjectivity is a good thing! To have a complete picture of the situation, you need to juxtapose users' subjective satisfaction with a design and objective data.
How to use the Single Ease Question survey template?
Like SUS , SEQ survey templates are used in a user testing setting. They make sense both when you conduct usability tests on live websites or apps and when you test prototypes.                                                                                                                                                                        Â
Unlike SUS questions that are sent post-test, SEQ questions are triggered after a user completes a given task.
Provide user testing participants with the survey after each task. Add open-ended follow-up questions to have users explain their scores and give you more qualitative feedback.
Note that you can ask a test participant the SEQ question even if they don't complete a task.
Is the SEQ question a valid way of measuring usability?
Yes, it is. Using the SEQu questionnaires is a standard practice in usability testing.
Like with all quantitative survey questions, you need at least 20-30 respondents to get valid results. Having fewer responses wouldn't give you statistically accurate results.Â
However, suppose you decide to follow the SEQ with an open-ended question. You can still derive valuable insights even if you run tests on a smaller number of users. (Qualitative research requires smaller sample sizes to be valid.)Â
5 users are perfectly enough to run qualitative research. When it comes to quantitative data, though, we don't recommend making design decisions based on a small sample size.Â
While 5 users is perfectly enough to run qualitative research, we don’t recommend making design decisions based on only quantitative data from such a small sample size.
What is the right Single Ease Question format?
The Single Ease Question gauges how easy or difficult the task you’re testing was.
The most common version of the question is:Â
Overall, how difficult or easy was the task to complete?Â
But Norman Nielsen also proposes:Â
Overall, this task was?Â
If you decide to play with the question structure, make sure you don't ask a leading question, like "How easy was the task…?" Such a survey question might influence the answers and skew the results.Â
Also, according to best practices, SEQu is a 7-point Likert scale question. It's advisable not to change the difficulty rating scale.Â
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2. Customize the survey to make it match your brand.Â
Survicate's Single Ease Question survey template follows the best practices of usability testing research. We don't recommend altering it.Â
What you can consider doing is customizing the survey template. Change the colors of the fonts and the survey background to make it look on-brand. You can also brand it even more and add your company logo. This is a paid feature, though.Â
3. Set targetting.Â
If you’re going to run usability testing on a live app or website, you can enable the survey to display once a test particpant performs and action - define the events and set them as triggers in the feedback collection tool.Â
Product teams will be most interested in integrating tools like Mixpanel, Amplitude, or ProductBoard. Enabling the integrations will let you combine the user feedback from the surveys with other data and easily access it in your product management software. How handy and time-efficient!Â
Consider also adding communicators like Slack or Microsoft Teams. It'll let you receive your remote usability testing feedback in your communication channels in real-time.
5. Launch the survey.Â
If you’re about to run usability tests on a website that is life, install the tracking code. To do that, use a Google Tag Manager, Segment, Survicate’s Wordpress plugin, or do it manually.Â
6. Analyze the feedback and design solutions loved by users. ;)Â
If you're reading this, you don't have to be conviced that user-centered design makes sense. :) Collect the user feedback and put it to good use!Â