Google Forms

Google Forms survey templates and questionnaire examples

Google forms does not offer survey templates but Survicate does. Customize the survey templates or use them as they are. Never run out of ideas on what survey to run next.
Customizable survey templates
Customizable survey templates
Make the survey templates work for you
Make the survey template work for you
  • Use one of the many survey templates created by experts
  • Use one of the 125+ ready-to-go templates or create surveys from scratch
  • Change colors, fonts and the layout of the survey templates with a visual editor
  • Change colors, fonts, and layout with the visual editor
  • Make smart user feedback surveys with skip logic, custom actions, and redirects
  • Make smart surveys with skip logic, custom actions, and redirects
  • Select from email, website, in-product or mobile app surveys templates
  • Select from email, website, web app, or mobile app surveys
Start Free
Build surveys easily with a drag & drop creator
Google Forms survey templates FAQs

Looking for Google Forms survey templates? Discover how Survicate's survey templates can offer a more powerful solution

Are there templates for Google Forms?

What are the advantages of using Survicate over Google Forms for survey templates?

How can I find Google Forms-like survey templates in Survicate?

How do I get started with Survicate if I'm used to using Google Forms for my surveys?

Can I customize Survicate's survey templates to look like Google Forms?

What makes Survicate's survey templates more powerful than Google Forms?

How do Survicate's survey template features compare to Google Forms?

Are Survicate's survey templates as easy to use as Google Forms templates?

How do I create a survey in Survicate that resembles a Google Forms survey?

What types of questions can I include in a Survicate survey template compared to Google Forms?

How do Survicate's survey templates improve response rates compared to Google Forms?

How do Survicate's analytics and reporting features compare to those in Google Forms?

How can Survicate provide more advanced features and customization options than Google Forms for survey creation?

What benefits can I expect from using Survicate survey templates over Google Forms?

How do Survicate's survey templates cater to various industries and use cases compared to Google Forms?

Are Survicate's survey templates mobile-friendly and optimized for various devices, unlike Google Forms?

Can Survicate's survey templates be easily embedded in emails or websites, similar to Google Forms?

Can I collaborate with my team on Survicate survey templates like I can with Google Forms?

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